Te Rūnanga o Moeraki

Te Rūnanga o Moeraki

The takiwā of Te Rūnanga o Moeraki centres on Moeraki and extends from Waitaki to Waihemo and inland to the Main Divide.


Waka: Uruao
: Tiramōrehu
: Arai-te-uru
Maunga: Te Kohurau, Aoraki
Awa: Waitaki, Kakaunui, Waihemo
Roto: Te Waimātaitai
Whare: Uenuku
Whare Kai: Wairutuatai
Hapū: Kāti Hāteatea, Kāi Tuahuriri, Kāti Rakiamoa, Kāi Kahukura, Kāi Te Aotaumarewa, Kāti Urihia, Kāti Hinemihi, Hinematua and Kāi Tuke
Iwi: Rapuwai, Waitaha, Kāti Mamoe, Kāi Tahu


Web site: http://www.moerakirunanga.co.nz/
Tenby St Moeraki, RD2, Palmerston, Otago
Phone: 03 439 4816
Fax: 03 439 4400
Google Map: here


Tīaho iho nei
Kaitito / Composer – Hana O’Regan
his pātere was composed for the Moeraki Rūnaka in 1996, and journeys through the places that define its’ boundaries, and the ancient stories that accompany them from the canoe tradition of Araiteuru.

This song is appropriate to use to support speeches in formal situations – particularly so
for speakers who hail from Moeraki.

Tiaho iho nei ko te whetū rakatira
Hei tohu o ruka mō te ara i te uru
Takoto kau ana kā paeka o te waka
Horoia kā kete taoka i Kaihīnaki
E te rehu tai o Araiteuru kaika e te pō

Tū mai rā kā mauka atua
takahuritia ki te kōhatu e te hau toka,
hei pouhere whenua, pouhere takata
Tēnā rā a Pukeuri, kā waewae i rere atu i tōna tihi
ka hoki ki te pū o Pakihiwitahi e kekeho atu nei
Pōpōroa kau ana mō te pūkākaho o Puketapu

Ko te heke o te karariwha whakarauora kā kohaka

Whatua kā aho tūpuna o te whare

Hei tihaka pūmau, ūhia te whenua
Taiāwhiotia kā whare i Manuhaea
Whakamākūkū kā moka i te huka a Aoraki
E rere atu ana i te au o Waitaki

Tāia kā toka ki te moko i Takiroa, i Maerewhenua
Whiua kā aho ki kā taoka a Tuhaitara, a Kahukura
Mau tonu te pona ki te tihaka tāmahana te Raka-a-Hina-ātea,
E mumura ana kā ahi o Moeraki, o Matuatiki i te wairua
Kawea ko te kupu o te mōrehu ki te ao
Tākohua kā tapuwae i Kātigi
Haumiri i te tai ki Matakaea, ki te waha o Waihemo e


The chiefly star shines down
As it shows the path to the West
The wreckage of the canoe lies there
The treasured kits are washed at Kaihīnaki
the tidal spray of Araiteuru, consumed by the night

Stand forth the sacred mountains cast to stone
By the cold southern wind
As mooring posts of the land and people
There stands Pukeuri, the feet the have flown from his peak
I return to the foot of Pakihiwitahi left gazing longingly
For the promised firewood of Puketapu
The female pāua make their journey,
bringing life back to the beds
The ancestral threads of the house are thus woven together
As an everlasting carpet, covering the land
Encircling the houses at Manuhaea
Its edges moistened by the snow of Aoraki
That flow down the Waitaki current

The rocks at Takiroa and Maerewhenua are engraved with tattoos
The lines cast to the bounties of Tuhaitara and Kahukura
Tie them to the mat that warms Raka-a-Hina-ātea
The fires of Moeraki and Matuatiki blaze in its shadow
Take with you the words of the survivors in to the world
The footsteps at Kātigi are enshrouded in the mist
Embrace the shore to Matakaea, to the mouth of the Waihemo.

Waiata 2

Tiaho iho nei ko te whetü rakätira
Hei tohu nö ruka mö te ara i te uru
Takoto kau ana te paeka o te waka
Horoia kä kete taoka i Kaihinaki
E te rehu tai Araiteuru käika e te po
Tü mai rä kä mauka atua takahuritia ki te köhatu
E te hau toka, hei pouhere whenua, pouhere takata
Tënä rä a Pukeuri, ka waewae i rere atu i töna tihi
Ka hoki ki te pü o Pakihiwitahi e kekeho atu nei
Poporoa kau ana mö te pükäkaho o Puketapu
Ko te heke o te karariwha whakahauora kä köhaka
Whatua kä aho tüpuna o te whare
Hei tïhaka pümau, uhia te whenua
Taiäwhiotia kä whare i Manuhaea
Whakamakuku kä moka i te huka a Aoraki
E rere atu ana i te au o Waitaki
Taia kä toka i te moko i Takiroa, i Maerewhenua
Whiua kä aho ki kä taoka a Tühaitara, a Kahukura
Mau tonu te pona ki te tïhaka tamahana te Raka-a-Hine-atea
E mumuru ana ahi o Moeraki, o Matuatiki i te uairua
Kawea ko te kupu o te morehu ki te ao
Takohua ka tapuwae i Kätigi
Haumiri i te tai ki Matakaea, ki te waha o Waihemo e