Te Rūnanga o Kaikōura

Te Rūnanga o Kaikōura

The takiwā extends from Te Parinui o Whiti to the Hurunui River and inland to the Main Divide.


Waka: Araiteuru, Tākitimu, Uruao
: Tapuae-o-Uenuku
: Te Tai o Marakura
Awa: Waiautoa, Oarao
Maru Kaitātea
Wharekai: Te Poha o Tohu Raumati
Hapū: Ngāti Kurī
Iwi: Kāti Mamoe, Ngāi Tahu


Takahanga Terrace, Kaikoura.
Postal address: PO Box 39
Phone: (03) 3196 523
Cell: 027 525 9443
Email: takahanga.office@ngaitahu.iwi.nz
Google Map: here


Mihi Example

Tēnā koutou katoa
E ngā karangatanga e maha he hari anā tēnei mihi atu ki a koutou i runga tonu nei i ngā ahuatanga o te tika me te pono o tēnei kaupapa manāki taonga ā whenua, ā wai māori, ā wai tai.

He kaupapa nui whakaharahara te mahi ngātahi tēnei iwi me ngā iwi katoa e nohonoho nei ki tō matou takiwā.

Heoi anō i runga i te peha o tōku tupuna Nōku te kori, kia kori mai hoki koe ka whakatau te kaupapa.

Ko Tapuae-o-Uenuku kei runga hei tititreia mō te iwi

Ko Waiau toa kei raro i hono ai ki tōna hoa ki te hauraro ko Waiau Uha

Ko Te Tai o Marokura te moana i ū mai ai a Tūteurutira kia tau mai ki tō Hineroko whenua i raro i Te Whata Kai a Rokohouia

Ko tōna utanga he tāngata, arā ko ngā Tātare o Tānemoehau

Ā, heke tātai mai ki tēnei ao

Mā tātou anō ngā awa me ngā awaawa, me ngā hiwi, me ngā toropuke, me ngā maunga, me ngā awanunui kei runga i a Kaikōura whenua e tiaki, e atawhai.

Ko Takahanga te marae

Ko Maru Kaitātea te whare tipuna

Ko Ngāti Kuri te hapū

Ko Ngāi Tahu te iwi


Tēnā koutou katoa

To all peoples it is with pleasure we greet you with the best of intentions regarding this important issue of caring for our land, our inland and coastal waterways.

It is equally important that our people work with all others that share our tribal territory.

Therefore we acknowledge the saying that was uttered by our ancestor, if I move then so should you and lay down this document for your consideration.

Tapuae-o-Uenuku is above as a chiefly comb for the people

Waiau toa is below also joining with his partner further south Waiau Uha

Te Tai o Marokura is the ocean crossed by Tūteurutira where he landed upon the shore of the land of Hineroko beneath the lofty food gathering cliffs of Rokohouia

His cargo was people the brave warriors of Tānemoehau

The descendants have remained to this time.

It is now up to us to protect and care for the rivers, valleys, hillocks, ridges, mountains and broad, braided rivers upon the lands of Kaikōura.

Takahanga is the marae

Maru Kaitātea is the ancestral house

Ngāti Kuri is the hapū

Ngāi Tahu is the iwi


Waiata 1

Mā te Raupō
Whirinaki o Tapuae o Uenuku
E tu wānanga
Kakahuia te wehi
Putea te wāhi katoa
Mairo Mairo
Tupato Kakahuia

Aue Aue
Nāna te Roimata
Nei ana he Waiautoa
Neke atu waiora
Te Tai o Ngāti Kuri
Hapai te Whenua
O Tuturu Māori

Waiata 2

Kaitito / Composer – Hana O’Regan
This waiata is appropriate for formal pōwhiri as waiata kīnaki. It is especially relevant for those who descend from Kāti Kurī / Kaikōura; or to support a speaker from Kāti Kuri / Kaikōura.
During her life Te Wharetutu Stirling was a respected leader of the hapū Kāti Kurī, and wider Kāi Tahu. She passed away in the year 1993, and, to honour her accomplishments it was decided the ornamental gateway that had been carved by master carver Cliff Whiting, would be named “Te Kūwaha o Wharetutu – The Gateway of Wharetutu”. The carving was taken by a group of Kāti Kurī to Germany , to The Museum of Man in the city of Berlin , for an exhibition of the Cultures of the Pacific. Cliff gifted the gateway to that museum, and left it there as a guardian for the many Māori artefacts and treasures of earlier centuries that were being held in the collections of the museum. This song was sung by the group at the time of the gifting of the gateway to the custodians of the museum.


E tū te Tapuae o Uenuku e…
Hurihia ō kanohi ki te whakarua
Te tīhaka a Marokura
Nāna i tahu te tukupara
Te oranga nō ngā takutai
Mā ngā uri o Te Waka e…

Whakatata mai ki te Tapuae-a-Māui
Ko ngā uri o te ao tūroa
E tiaki nei ngā ahi ā ngā tipuna
o te rohe o Kāi Tahu e…

Karaka nei te reo o Kāti Kurī
Ki ngā poupou o te papa
I whakairotia e Tū-te-Rakiwhānoa
Ko Aoraki rā te iringa roimata
Mō ngā uri o Tū e
Whakamine a Tūahuriri, Te Ruahikihiki
Waewae, Huirapa, Irakehu
Ki raro i te mana o Marukaitātea
Mā ngā whakapapa e raraka ana
Ngā poupou o Tahu e…

Tukua ko te Kūwaha-o-Wharetutu
Hei reo mō te iwi
Ki te ao whānui
E rere atu rā i te ara paiao
Ki tua atu i te ao Māori e…

He pūreirei te noho a ngā taonga
Anō te maruwehi, anō te marutuna
He paenga o nehe kua mōriroriro kau ake nei
Tū mai ko Te Kūwaha
Aoraki kai ruka, he tohu rangatira
Hei tautiaki mō ngā puiaki
Kua pae atu rā ki ngā tai mamao e…

Stand forth Te Tapuae o Uenuku
Turn your eyes to the North-East
To the woven mat of Marokura
It was he who lit the ovens

For the descendants of the Canoe

Draw near to the Footprint-of-Māui
The progeny of this world of the living
Tend to the fires of their ancestors
Upon the lands of Kāi Tahu

The voice of Kāti Kurī invites
The pillars to unite
From across the land carved by Tū-te-Rakiwhānoa
There stands Aoraki
For whom many tears are shed
By the descendants of Tū

Gather in Tūahuriri, Te Ruahikihiki
Waewae, Huirapa, Irakehu
Beneath the mantle of Marukaitātea
And let the genealogies weave together
The posts of Tahu…

Release the Gateway of Wharetutu
As a voice for the people
To the globe
Fly upon the cloud path
Beyond the boundaries of our Māori world

The treasures lie in their clustered isolation
How awe inspiring, deserved of respect
This ancient collection so long estranged
Stand forth The Gateway
Aoraki at its peak, a sign of prestige
As the protector of the treasures
cast upon far away shores